Artist Manager & Project Manager
Through years of freelance work as a project manager for several musicians and a concert producer for many
organisations, Merylin has built up an extensive understanding of the music industry. As a former singer herself, she
understands the life behind and on the stage and uses her knowledge to be a better manager for her artists. She is
fascinated by people, especially those with great music, vibe and vivid characters. In addition, she works in project-based teams for international productions. A better future for all beings and helping others to find their right way has been her motivation to contribute to an Estonian chapter of the, which is an independent global community of women and gender minorities in the music industry.
Previously she has worked with the State Associate of the Eesti Kontsert Foundation, the Estonian Jazz Union and several classical, jazz and folk festivals in Estonia. She has been part of many project teams in the music and event industry and worked for education and logistics organizations.